Monday, April 20, 2009

Heather Deserves Some Serious Worshipping for the Win!!!

Since nobody informed me that I actually won the NCAA thing, I am just announcing it with a request that all humble acknowledgements be posted ASAP so I can determine who I need to hunt down to make sure EVERYONE knows!!! And a request that someone reminds me next year when the trashing starts (I have such a bad memory, I am sure I will forget). Thanks to all you little people for your support, etc., etc, etc. (wave, wave, touch pearls).


  1. I feel the need to comment to my own publication because I figured out how to do it. Yay for me!!!

  2. Yup--YAY for you--and WOW--such Unbelievable Humility!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!

  3. You are the winner, I am the loser. You were right, I was wrong. You are all knowing, I'm stupid. You are good looking, I'm rather homely...(this is what Tel forces me to say the once or twice that he has been right and I have been wrong...I forget the exact words since I rarely have to say them)
