Sunday, October 4, 2009


So it is finally happening, we really are on our way to Flight School. Tel left for Bolc 2 Saturday morning. So he is now at Fort Sill, OK for the next 6 weeks. (side note: he ended up leaving sooner than expected originally he was suppose to leave Sunday morning so we ran out of time getting some things done, one of which was shaving his head. So during Tel's lay-over in Dallas, TX he shaved his head in the airport bathroom! Doesn't that seem like something Jason Borne would do? (if you don't know who Jason Borne is I pity you, but think...FBI, assasin, changing identies, etc)). He made it there and is going well- so far it seems like it is A LOT more relaxed than OCS (which is good and bad- good self explanatory, bad he has a lot of spare time so it may not go as fast...) Another good thing is that a guy from UT that did OCS with Tel is also there in the same class so he at least knows someone already.

The plan from now is that he will return Nov. 21 or 22. We will come down there on the 22nd to take family pictures then we will head off to Fort Rucker, AL. We are suppose to report there on Nov. 27.

If you are interested Tel's address at Fort Sill, OK is:
Lt. Tel Guymon
PO Box 825 C co PLP #2
Fort Sill, OK 73503-5805