Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Kristens new ride (and I get my truck back)

Minivans suck, and now so do we; minivan I mean. KRISTEN recently jewed the local toyota dealership out of a 2007 Seina. I was trying for the Land cruiser, but somewhere between 8 passenger seating and a lot less money she won out. Props to all those who continue to hold off the minivan epedimic (amy, brett, angela); may the force be with you.
On a much higher note I started the Apache training course and will be trying to wreck 25 million in taxpayer dollars soon after Chistmas.
On another high note I found out that I can arrange to take civillians in the non-motion simulators so for the bargain trip to alabama, I will award you by letting your fly the coolest video game ever created.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Guymon Family Singing the National Anthem
I should have sat closer so you could hear them better. They sounded awesome.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
Family Day
June 11th was FAMILY DAY!!! That means that the kids & I got to go watch Tel fly helicopters! Although, it was extremely hot, it was worth it to get to see him fly.
Our pilot Lt. Guymon
We got to go up in the flight tower. Maverick got a little freaked out walking up the steep stairs (they were the metal kind that you can see all the way down)...Tel was very disappointed that "his boy is afraid of heights". (I think it's an age think & that he is not doomed to being afraid of heights forever!)
They allowed us to get inside one of the helicopters so that we could see what it was like!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Tel Family Update
As a family we went to one of the lakes on Fort Rucker to see if we could spot the aligator. When we got there it was in the middle of the lake so we went closer to the edge to see if we could get some better pictures.
Then the Aligator started swimming directly towards us. So the kids & I took a step back just in case! Tel puts in the for gator hunt this weekend and then the hunt is in September if he draws out.
We decided that having Tel drive his motorcycle at 3am (or in the Alabama rain) wasn't the safest thing, and so we figured we should get something for him to drive. Then Tel figured if we were going to get a car we might as well get a 67 camaro so he can have a "project" to work on. If you want details on the camaro you will have to ask him because I'm sure I would get something wrong!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Setting a good example...
I want to be on Amy's "good list" so here are our upcoming events:
June 11- "Family Day". Family members of the pilots get to go to the airfield and watch their pilot fly, take pictures, look inside the cockpit, etc.
June 19- Kristen is competing in a triathlon
Aug 11- until ?undetermined? Kristen and the kids are flying to Utah for the Guymon-Johnson Reunion & her brother's wedding. Return date depends on whether I stay for my brothers open house in Monticello the week after the wedding.
Sept 16- Tel graduates from Primaries...next he will be in a bubble for about 5 months then he will start the apache course.
June 2011- We estimate Tel will graduate flight school next June (note this is a tentative date)

(I just like pictures so I threw some in from a Family Fun Run we did. Joselyn ran the entire mile!)
June 11- "Family Day". Family members of the pilots get to go to the airfield and watch their pilot fly, take pictures, look inside the cockpit, etc.
June 19- Kristen is competing in a triathlon
Aug 11- until ?undetermined? Kristen and the kids are flying to Utah for the Guymon-Johnson Reunion & her brother's wedding. Return date depends on whether I stay for my brothers open house in Monticello the week after the wedding.
Sept 16- Tel graduates from Primaries...next he will be in a bubble for about 5 months then he will start the apache course.
June 2011- We estimate Tel will graduate flight school next June (note this is a tentative date)
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Did someone record Jessica's speech?
Or the track meet? Or any of the 50 other events that those of us living outside the sanctuary of Emery County missed?
Come on GUYS! You are supposed to also post dates for upcoming activities - I'd probably not be able to make it, but at least I'd like the option.
Whoah. This post sounds like Grandma.
Come on GUYS! You are supposed to also post dates for upcoming activities - I'd probably not be able to make it, but at least I'd like the option.
Whoah. This post sounds like Grandma.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Why yes, my husband is an apache helicopter pilot!
Ever since Tel came home with this, he hasn't taken it off! Okay, he has taken the helmet off, but not the smile (in the picture he is trying hard not to smile, but he can't help it). It cracks me up how randomly I will look over and Tel will have a big cheeser grin on his face & I will ask what he is thinking about...the response "I get to fly helicopters!...And they pay me for it!" The guys in his class even give him a hard time about being so excited!
Even though he has to learn all of this information in a few months, he is still smiling. Even though this whole week he had to wake up at 3 am he is still smiling. It's GREAT! So if you can't tell, we are happy to be here and have this great experience!

Saturday, May 1, 2010
Negative ghost rider the pattern is full
So, I got to fly a helicopter the last two days in a row. In a word I will steal from Mom; Phenomenal. This has got to be the greatest week of my life. I tell you what, clear the blades, push on the starter, listen to the turbine spool up and pop the throttle open while the rotor blades start turning = major adrenaline rush! Still can't believe the army paying me to fly.
Sure beats living in van down by the river eating raw bacon and making squirel tail bookmarks...
Sure beats living in van down by the river eating raw bacon and making squirel tail bookmarks...
Friday, April 23, 2010
Speaking of wrestling...
I thought all the boys in the family would be proud of this - one of the guys who works for me won state in wrestling and got a scholorship to wrestle in college. Anyway, we were talking about winning state in a 5A school (he went to West High, which is one of the biggest schools in the state) and how intense the competition is at the bigger school and he said that the competition is pretty intense in a big school, but that for wrestling, the best division is actually 3A. He said all the college recruiters pay WAY more attention to the wrestlers in the 3A division than even the larger division because they are just far better wrestlers. He said basically that all the competition in the larger schools can't compensate for the farm boys that come in with no form, but major muscles and endurance and just throw people around.
Anyway, I thought you all would be proud - given that you all wrestled in the 3A division.
Anyway, I thought you all would be proud - given that you all wrestled in the 3A division.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Update from Alabama!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
So, This is solo and ensamble it went very well, though mom thinks Why We Sing should have gotten the outstanding ensamble.
This is Jessica's flute Solo
This is Jessica's flute Solo
This is Jessica's piano Solo
This Is Laryssa's piano Solo
This Is Laryssa's AWESOME violyn Solo
Laryssa Vocal Solo
Leedan Solo
Leedan, Jerry, Kitty, Meleece
Leedan, Meleece, Laryssa, Jessica
Meleece Vocal Solo
Yet another post from leedan (arent I so Dedicated)
P.S. on the Adjudication sheet for Why We Sing(Leedan Meleece Jessica Laryssa) we were told "you must have an awesome director I would like to clarify, our expert Directors were, Nana Marie, Joyce Guymon, and Angela Pulli!!!!!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Flight School update
So the suspense continues, kind of. I saw the flight surgeon yesterday and he requested an "exception to policy" for my incredibly poor hearing; so it is not 100% sure that we stay but it is "highly likely". I will know for sure within three months. He did give me a temporary Up-slip that will allow me to begin SERE school this coming monday (goodbye kind world) and even fly until the exception is approved. The way I see it, the more money they dump into me with training the more likely it is that I will stay.
So thanks a ton for all the prayers and support.
So thanks a ton for all the prayers and support.
It looks it will be the end of march when I get to see the inside a cockit.
Love you guys,
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Joselyn started Preschool
Joselyn is loving preschool!!! She even gets to ride the bus to and from school. It's crazy how fast kids grow up!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Christmas in Alabama
Oh Christmas tree... Joselyns favorite family tradition... not. Almost had a come-apart when I told her the plan, but she got over it with a little persuasion/bribery from Daddy and Mig. Nothing like FIRE to end the holiday season on. (Sadly roman candles were not available to lite the tree this year, somethin about explosives on post, lucky to get away with 30' flames)
By the way, I cannot believe that we are the first to update on the christmas festivities. Please share the wealth.

Also, enjoy dreams of gators in the local alabama lakes like I did after seeing this sign...
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Piano Recital
These are the vidios of the piano recital that I Leedan dutifuly uploaded:
P.S. I didn't answer the invite to the blog soon enough so I have to use mom's account, could someone get me another invite???
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